100 Plants to Feed the Bees: Provide a Healthy Habitat to Help Pollinators Thrive

100 Plants to Feed the Bees: Provide a Healthy Habitat to Help Pollinators Thrive

B. inggris saya sedang tidur di kamar

saya sedang tidur di kamar


(+)I'm sleeping in my bedroom

(-)I'm do not sleeping in my bedroom

(?)Do I'm sleeping in my bedroom?


(+)S+Verb 1

(-)S+Do Not/Does Not+Verb 1

(?)Do/Does+S+Verb 1

Do=I, You, They, We, dan benda/orang jamak(lbh dari 1)

Does=He, She, It, dan benda/orang yg jumlahnya hanya 1

semoga membantu:)
